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The Copy Matrix is a video course that you can finish in a single weekend. You’ll also get a working-PDF with all the same information that’s in the videos. Here’s a glimpse of what’s inside…
• Why awareness levels are the key to making any copy work (this is how you scale businesses)
• How to decide on an awareness level to target and what to write in order to get the sale (get this wrong and you’re toast)
• The sneaky way to get more sales for a new business by NOT competing (you can do this once you fully understand awareness levels and how to pick them)
• Each market has one awareness level. Right? Wrong! You can pick the awareness level you’d be targeting. And there is a specific equation to know which one to pick (get this and you’re already light years ahead)
• The silly mistake 90% of advertisers make that THEY THINK will get them more money (but actually makes their ads flop).
Let’s stop here for a second. Do you understand that this one skill will allow you to scroll through Instagram…
And understand exactly what the advertisers are doing wrong. But also…
Have full clarity of how to fix what they’re doing wrong AND/or scale their business.
Yeah. You’ll also:
• Understand once and for all why it’s a bad idea to use templates and formulas to write copy (unless you want it to suck)
• Know what to write at each awareness level in order to convert buyers. This also works for cold DMs and cold emails (Yeah. Most cold emails are done WRONG)
• See REAL ads that are running RIGHT NOW where I’ll tell you exactly which awareness levels each ad targets so you can learn the UP-TO-DATE techniques
• If you watch module #3 you’ll see how to connect the ad’s (or any type of content’s) awareness level to the sales page’s awareness level correctly
• In the same module you’ll also understand how different-awareness ads can lead to the same sales page (scaling with ONE sales page)
• Learn the most important element in “snatching” your competitor’s prospects — by targeting high-awareness people who and are ready to buy (with an example from Twitter)
You could mistake this information to be the same as in the book Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene Schwartz.
But it’s NOT.
Eugene wrote the book when there were no elaborate funnels. No intent-based targeting. Only one-page magazine ads.
CONTEXT matters. And you won’t get it reading the book.
Here’s what else you’ll learn in the Copy Matrix:
• Understand the 5 sophistication levels of any market (and why we will never write copy in the first two and the last one).
• A better-than-forum-doom-scrolling technique to determine your market’s sophistication level simply by looking at 3-5 competitors
• Are you confused about the difference between awareness and sophistication levels? No more after watching module #5
• Why you can NOT choose your market’s sophistication level (unlike awareness levels) and how you’ll get a few sales but will never be able to scale if you do
• 99% of the marketers who THINK they understand sophistication levels – actually don’t (Module #6 will put you in the 1%)
• The truth about why most OG copywriters (THINK David Oglivy & Gary Halbert) wrote ads in high sophistication levels — and why you are making a HUGE mistake if you try to model them.
But that’s not all. You’re also getting 3 uber-cool bonuses:
- BONUS ONE: The Twitter Matrix
- You’ll discover ONE “lock combination” of one specific awareness level and one specific sophistication level that I’ve used myself to grow to 140K+ followers faster than 99.9% of the accounts that’ll ever get there
- How to transform any piece of content that you write into one that gets the maximum number of eyeballs and engagement – you can do this in any niche and it works in virtually every market
- One sneaky technique I use in order to “steal” other creator’s viral hooks and make my threads get more reach and engagement than theirs (Used this technique for several big accounts you know – before they became big).
- BONUS TWO: The Email Marketing Matrix
- Understand why sophistication levels become irrelevant in email marketing and why email marketing allows you to compete in the level everybody is losing in: sophistication level 5
- ”Get” the two different business models you can use for email marketing and finally see the matrix behind email marketing
- See a live breakdown of an email I wrote and why I use a specific awareness-level structure that I suggest you start using too (unless you want to do email marketing wrong – like most of your competitors).
- BONUS THREE: The Competitor Matrix
- Watch behind-my-shoulder as I find ads in any niche – any market – and “manipulate” the search results to find specifically what I’m looking for (THINK: only courses. Or only sales pages)… And you’ll be able to do it too
- The same video will show you my thinking process while I look for competitors and how I decide whose ads are good to model or analyze and how I know whether their ads are successful
- How to spy on any business that’s running ads and funnel-hack their whole funnel – including – see what their customers are REALLY saying and who they are – specifically.
Now you know all the details of what’s inside. And there’s only one thing missing…
Here’s How It Works:
This is a one-time payment that gives you access to everything inside.
And this is the last time we’ll be offering such a deal. One-time payment. No subscription. No recurring costs. No surprises.
But just before you make your decision…
Please read this:
This Is NOT A Good Fit For:
- For template-using and push-button solution seekers. THERE ARE NO TEMPLATES INSIDE.
- For newbies who think this will change their lives overnight. It won’t.
- For complete beginners who have no idea what the words on this page mean.
- For anyone who expects to learn everything in 3 days and leave. This is a process. And it will take me time to transfer the information from my head to yours.
See More: Create 24/7 (Edition X) – The Blueprint for Building a Million Dollar Business
George Ten – CopyThinking Community + The Copy Matrix 2024
Name of course: George Ten – CopyThinking Community + The Copy Matrix 2024
Delivery Method: Instant Download (Mega)
Contact for more details:
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