Epigenetics is perhaps one of the most exciting developments in neuroscience and now in coaching and therapy.
Epigenetics is the study of how external conditions can modify the expression of genes.
Genes were once thought to be static and fixed.
While our genetic sequence is relatively fixed, the expression of our genes is anything but that!
Science estimates each gene we possess can express itself up to 30,000 different variations.
In many ways this is the resolution of the “nature vs. nuture” question.
Nature hardwires some very important capabilities in us based on our ancestors, distance
and very recent like our parents and grandparents.
Part of this hardwiring is the ability to learn at exceptional rates in a way
that changes our brains, based on the environments we find ourselves in.
Namely, neuro-plasticity: your brain’s ability to change itself, structurally and functionally.
New research suggests basically all we are from our physical constitutions and conditions,
to emotional reactions like trauma, phobias even beliefs and identifications
can all be transmitted epigenetically from our parents and ancestors.
This three part video program is chock-full of eye opening information with can truly change
your perception of what is possible for you and for those whom you may coach.
It includes step by step instruction on the best pattern I know to work this way:
Re-consolidating Introjects, as well as artistic uptime and deeply hypnotic demonstration of the pattern.
This is a very effective, tried and true, way to change the potential expression
of your genes, through coaching and therapy.
What’s inside An Overdurfian Take on Epigenetics and Reconsolidating Introjects?
Recent, very practical research in the field of Epigenetics on what control we have over our genetics, and how.
What is the arguably one of the most important research findings
in the history of psychotherapy and how can you use it?
How to active reliable neuroplasticity
Using Overdurfian Hypnotic coaching as the basic framework to do epigenetic work
What are introjects and how do you identify and transform them?
What are the nuances of the Re-consolidating Introjects process
which make a HUGE difference in the effectiveness of the techniques.
The demonstration includes:
A dramatic example of an epigenetic fear response
Preframing and use of presupposition to create response potential
Seamless utilization of hypnotic language and humor: ambiguity of all types, pauses and embedded commands
Chaining reframes and themes to resource states
Alpha sequence to facilitate trance development
Creative and subtle use of voice tonality to create receptivity and responsiveness.
Kinesthetic backtracking to elicit linch pin of the fear response
Spatial and linguistic anchoring to create stable dissociation
Reversing sub-modalities of fear
Context reframing of triggers of the problem
Catalepsy to facilitate unconscious searches
Foreground-background switching in trance
Indirect suggestion for selective amnesia
See More: Ken Stone – Introduction to Spiritual Mastery
John Overdurf – An Overdurfian Take on Epigenetics and Reconsolidating Introjects
Name of course: John Overdurf – An Overdurfian Take on Epigenetics and Reconsolidating Introjects
Delivery Method: Instant Download (Mega)
Contact for more details: isco.coursebetter@gmail.com
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