Proof Download
Here’s What You Get Inside:
Instant access Travis’s new training showing how he just generated over 45,000 new leads in a few weeks for a one-person health info product.
Lifetime access to ALL the recordings.
Download ALL the handouts, worksheets and trainings.
INSTANT access to new “Copy/Paste” class where you’ll discover the hottest list-building offers you can model ASAP!
Real-time comment section to have all your questions answered.
Download all of Travis’s highest-converting LANDING pages
Download all of Travis’s highest-converting THANK YOU pages
ALL the bonuses below (keep reading)
And much, much more.
Travis changed so many lives in the first version of My Peeps, he’s coming back for another round.
This is his exact list-building system…
the same one that’s generated eye-popping results for his 7 and 8-figure clients.
Here’s just a taste of what you’ll discover inside MyPeeps 2.0…
BIG list, tiny budget: How Travis built a list of over 200,000… starting at just $20 a day
Build Your List FAST: How he built a list of over 75,000 subscribers – in 10 days.
Oversized Profits with a “Micro” list: How to create a super-tight, massively profitbale “micro” list
Build a Titanic List by Working LESS: Travis is a one-man, list-building machine…
See his exact “leverage” system and how he builds these incredible lists while surfing every day.
Get Subscribers.. for FREE: Watch ‘n’ lean as you’ll see the truth about building your list and getting ’em for free.
The “Triple P” Framework: Get the internal documents Travis uses for his list-building business that works every time.
And so much more..
So here’s the deal… You get the complete MY PEEPS course.
It was a live workshop recorded over 4 weeks with step-by-step, “over the shoulder” instruction.
PLUS, you get 3 NEW MyPEEPS v 2.0 modules.
With breakthrough new techniques, new templates and more…
You’ll have everything to start building your list INSTANTLY.
And you get lifetime access to everything.
BONUS #1: The Top-Secret “Reverse Course” Method
Travis runs this top-secret promotion 3 times a year and each time generates between 45,000 to 60,000 new subscribers over a 2 week window.
He runs the entire list-building campaign for a partner in the health space and it’s actually PROFITABLE on the front.
For the first time ever, he’ll open his dashboard and break down the campaign.
We’ll even take a look at the landing pages too.
This new training, by itself, will pay for your program many times over.
BONUS #2: Live Copy/Paste Session
The best landing pages, traffic campaigns and offers working right now… for you to model. In real-time.
You’re going to love this live training…
Travis and I open the browser and show you our favorite list-building offers working right now.
No more staring at the screen and starting from scratch.
You’ll be able to model and swipe list-building offers in dozens of different markets.
Just ONE offer idea can change your business (and finally build a big, juicy list!).
BONUS #3: Hot Seats, Q&A and Mini-Mastermind
You have questions, we have answers!
Travis and I will open the floor and dive into your biggest list-building challenges.
You’ll discover how to unlock a hidden hook, how to scale your list-building, how to make more money per email than you ever thought possible.
This is where the real magic happens.
BONUS #4: “Done-For-You” Landing Page Templates, Scripts and More!
No need to start from scratch.
Simply click to download Travis’s best-converting, proven landing pages AND thank you pages.
Change a few words and boom you’re ready to start collecting new leads.
Plus you’ll his ad scripts and fill-in-the-blank templates.
Oh yeah, did I mention he’s going to add MORE, NEW templates as well?
Templates he’s never shared before.
See More: Robert Cialdini – Ethical Influence Practitioner Program
Travis Speegle – My Peeps 2.0
Name of course: Travis Speegle – My Peeps 2.0
Delivery Method: Instant Download (Mega)
Contact for more details:
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